If you enjoy designing your own clothing or making crafts, then you can use a variety of methods for attaching the fabrics. Today, there are high-quality fabric glues available at fabric and hobby stores. To make items that won’t fall apart, it is important to choose the right types of fabric glues along with using the adhesives properly. If fabric glue isn’t appropriate for a project, then you can stitch the materials with a machine or by hand.
1: Making Durable Everyday Garments
You shouldn’t use fabric glue when you are making garments because you will want to wash and dry the clothing numerous times. While some fabric glues are washable, the adhesives are not suitable for holding a garment together all of the time. It would be embarrassing to have the seams of a dress or slacks come apart while you are out in public 🙂
2: Adding Embellishments to Clothing
If you are adding an embellishment to a garment, then in many cases, fabric glue is suitable. Fabric glue is perfect for attaching a metallic stud, button or badge to a garment that you only plan to wear occasionally because you will seldom need to wash it. Make sure to select washable glue, and also, follow the directions on the package carefully.
3: Craft Projects With Children
When you are doing craft projects with children, using fabric glue is a fantastic option to avoid injuries. If you are working one-on-one with a child, then it is easy to monitor him while using a sewing machine. However, working with several children at one time makes it more difficult to prevent a cut from a sharp sewing needle. Always choose nontoxic fabric glues while working with children, and make sure that they keep the adhesive away from their skin or eyes. If you are sewing, make sure you get a machine that is appropriate for kids like one of these.
4: Holding Fabrics or Embellishments In Place Temporarily
Spray fabric glues are perfect for holding embellishments such as rickrack in place while you are stitching it with a sewing machine. Using hundreds of sewing pins to hold a long section of rickrack in place requires a lot of time, and in addition, you can prick your fingers while sewing on the embellishment.
5: Fast Repairs During Emergency Situations
If you are walking out the door and notice that your skirt’s hem is ripping, then you can make a fast repair with spray fabric glue. This type of repair will last for a few hours, but it isn’t a permanent solution for the problem. Spray glues are temporary, and the adhesive in the skirt’s hem will wash away during the laundering process.
6: Designing a Quilting Project With Appliques
When you are working on a quilting project with appliques, you can use a spray fabric glue to hold the embellishments in place while you create a design. Choose an adhesive that doesn’t leave any marks on the fabric so that you can move around the appliques several times. After finalizing your design, you can add another layer of fabric glue to hold the appliques in place while you are stitching the quilt with thread.
7: Using Unusual Materials For a Project
If you are using unusual materials for a project, then fabric glue is better than sewing the leather, vinyl or plastic. Stitching through thick materials is difficult, and it may break a sewing machine’s needle during the process. Also, making numerous holes in plastic, vinyl or leather can damage the material, but the right type of glue won’t harm the fabric.